Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Eating Disorders - Denise Szapiro, Martin Cohen, Leila Gelber, Katherine Grosman and Dan Gordon.

Eating disorders

An eating disorder is a condition when you eat in a bad way. There are many eating disorders and they are:
• Anorexia nervosa
• Bulimia nervosa
• Overweight
• Obesity
• Rickets
• Anemia
• Marasmo
• Kwashiorkor

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the most common eating disorders generally recognized by medical classification schemes.
Anorexia nervosa: it is when a person stops eating and starts a strict diet and does a lot of physical education to lose weight. Anorexics have a distort view of their body. Even when they are extremely thin, they see themselves as too fat. Low self – esteem and constant self – criticism cause anorexics to constantly fear losing control, and even consuming a small amount of food could be considered a loss of control.
Obesity: it is when a person gains too much weight, which is dangerous to their health.
Bulimia: it is when a person thinks he is very fat (but he isn’t). The people that have bulimia consume a lot of food and provoke vomits. They use laxatives. The appearance of bulimia nervosa often occurs during late adolescence or early adulthood. 90 Percent of bulimics are women. Roughly 70 percent of individuals who develop bulimia nervosa eventually recover.
Rickets: it is when a person doesn’t have Vitamin D, resulting in the deformity of the bones.
Anaemia: it is a condition of the blood when it has no iron.
Kwashiorkor: it is when a child is breastfed for a very long time and then she/he is weakened by a diet low in iron.


Our tips for people that suffer this eating disorders are:
• Consult your doctor, parents, friends, family, etc. for any inconvenience.

• Check your weight.

• Try to improve your diet gradually.

Diet-Nicole, Keila, Ezequiel, Matias N y Miranda

What is a diet?
The simply collection of the food you regularly eat , all the food consumed by our body.
Kids do not need to do a diet, to lose weight, because kids are still growing. If they want to lose weight they have to do sport. Your doctor has to say you if you have to go on a diet, because if you decide it by yourself you can have problems

Dangerous Diets

There are dangerous diet, also called “FAD DIET”, fad means that in short time you lose too much weight. There are girls that consider them self fat, but they are thin, in consequence they want to start a diet to lose weight. Called “EATING DESORDERS” .

If you wish to change your body you may talk whit your parents or go to a doctor.During the puberty all the kids lose or gain weight, so it is good to ask your doctor what you have to eat. Adults can do a diet but they have to do some check-up and go to a nutritionist.Also they can do sport.

Each day we need to eat a variety of food, this is called “BALANCED DIET” . It should contain: sugar, proteins, fats, minerals(like iron and calcium), vitamins, water, etc.

How do I know if I have a balanced diet?

You need to look up information in food charts and find the amount of nutrients that the food you eat has. Besides this, it’s also important to know the amount of energy-rich, that the food you daily eat, has.

You can do a list of all the things you eat in one day.It depends on your age the food, nutrients that are necessary. For example if you are 12 years you will have to eat different food that if you are 40 years old.


  • If you hate your body…. Go to the doctor.

  • Do sport don´t stop eating.

  • During the puberty do some check-up.

  • Eat in a properly way.


Physical activities and health

Physical activities and health

Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. It can help:
• Control your weight
• Reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease
• Reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome
• Reduce your risk of some cancers
• Strengthen your bones and muscles
• Improve your mental health and mood
• Improve your ability to do daily activities and prevent falls, if you're an older adult
• Increase your chances of living longer
If you're not sure about becoming active or boosting your level of physical activity because you're afraid of getting hurt, the good news is that moderate-intensity aerobic activity, like brisk walking, is generally safe for most people.
If you have a chronic health condition such as arthritis, diabetes, or heart disease, talk with your doctor to find out if your condition limits, in any way, your ability to be active. Then, work with your doctor to come up with a physical activity plan that matches your abilities. If your condition stops you from meeting the minimum Guidelines, try to do as much as you can. What's important is that you avoid being inactive. Even 60 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity is good for you.
The bottom line is - the health benefits of physical activity far outweigh the risks of getting hurt.
If you want to know more about how physical activity improves your health, the section below gives more detail on what research studies have found.
Control Your Weight
Looking to get to or stay at a healthy weight? Both diet and physical activity play a critical role in controlling your weight. You gain weight when the calories you burn, including those burned during physical activity, are less than the calories you eat or drink. For more information see our section on balancing calories. When it comes to weight management, people vary greatly in how much physical activity they need. You may need to be more active than others to achieve or maintain a healthy weight.
To maintain your weight: Work your way up to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or an equivalent mix of the two each week. Strong scientific evidence shows that physical activity can help you maintain your weight over time. However, the exact amount of physical activity needed to do this is not clear since it varies greatly from person to person. It's possible that you may need to do more than the equivalent of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week to maintain your weight.
To lose weight and keep it off: You will need a high amount of physical activity unless you also adjust your diet and reduce the amount of calories you're eating and drinking. Getting to and staying at a healthy weight requires both regular physical activity and a healthy eating plan. The CDC has some great tools and information about nutrition, physical activity and weight loss.
Reduce Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
Heart disease and stroke are two of the leading causes of death in the United States. But following the Guidelines and getting at least 150 minutes a week (2 hours and 30 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity can put you at a lower risk for these diseases. You can reduce your risk even further with more physical activity. Regular physical activity can also lower your blood pressure and improve your cholesterol levels.
Reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
Regular physical activity can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a condition in which you have some combination of too much fat around the waist, high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, or high blood sugar. Research shows that lower rates of these conditions are seen with 120 to 150 minutes (2 hours to 2 hours and 30 minutes) a week of at least moderate-intensity aerobic activity. And the more physical activity you do, the lower your risk will be.
Reduce Your Risk of Some Cancers
Being physically active lowers your risk for two types of cancer: colon and breast. Research shows that:
• Physically active people have a lower risk of colon cancer than do people who are not active.
• Physically active women have a lower risk of breast cancer than do people who are not active.
• Build strong, healthy muscles. Muscle-strengthening activities can help you increase or maintain your muscle mass and strength. Slowly increasing the amount of weight and number of repetitions you do will give you even more benefits, no matter your age.
• Improve Your Mental Health and Mood
• Regular physical activity can help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age. It can also reduce your risk of depression and may help you sleep better. Research has shown that doing aerobic or a mix of aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities 3 to 5 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes can give you these mental health benefits. Some scientific evidence has also shown that even lower levels of physical activity can be beneficial.
Increase Your Chances of Living Longer
Science shows that physical activity can reduce your risk of dying early from the leading causes of death, like heart disease and some cancers. This is remarkable in two ways:
1. Only a few lifestyle choices have as large an impact on your health as physical activity. People who are physically active for about 7 hours a week have a 40 percent lower risk of dying early than those who are active for less than 30 minutes a week.
2. You don't have to do high amounts of activity or vigorous-intensity activity to reduce your risk of premature death. You can put yourself at lower risk of dying early by doing at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity.
Everyone can gain the health benefits of physical activity - age, ethnicity, shape or size do not matter.

The importance of water

Water constitutes 60% of our weight in men and in women nearly 50%.
Water is essential for life. Water regulates our temperature, it contributes decisively to give structure and to shape the body by providing rigidity to the tissues.
Proper hydration helps keep skin smooth and young while chronic dehydration causes the skin to wrinkle and crack easly.
A sedentary adult in an enviroment without excessive heat and moisture, needs aproximately two gallons of water a day.
Fruits and vegetables are foods that contain more water so we need to eat fruits.

Carbohydrates, Minerals and Calories

Carbohydrates: All carbohydrates are made up from sugar. They are a sort of energy. The sugars on the stomach produce glucose. Some of these cannot be digested, we call it fiber. You can find them in cereals, tubers and sugar.

Minerals: There are twp kinds of minerals: macro minerals and trace minerals. They are needed for the development of the body. You can find them in food like: orange juice, meat, eggs, fish, dried food, tomatoes and legumes.

Calories: How many calories do kids need? There isn´t one perfect number of calories that a kid should eat. But is recommended 1.600 to 2.500 per day. Be sure to don´t eat much of this!

How does the body use the calories? Some people mistakenly believe they have to burn of all the calories they eat or they will gain weight. This isn´t true. Your body needs some calories just to operate, to keep your heart beating and your lungs breathing.

What is a calorie? A calorie is a unit of measurement, but it doesn´t measure weight or length. A calorie is a unit of energy. When something conteins 100ncalories, it means how many calories your body could get from eating or drinking it.

The calories are in all the food but in different amounts.

Gastón Sultani, Julian Szlain, Karen Roffe y Alana Braverman.

body types

TV shows, movies, and magazines show pictures of people who are thin. Does that mean being thin is good? Not necessarily.
People come in all different shapes and sizes, and the best weight for you is one that is right for your individual body type and size. It can be bad to be too thin if you are eating less food than your body needs. Eating enough food is like putting gas in your car. If you don't, it stops working!
Being overweight is not good either. Kids who are overweight may not be getting the right nutrition,
this means they are eating a lot of fat and calories. Besides maybe they are not eating the nutrients to stay healthy and strong. Eating a variety of healthy foods, including fruits and vegetables, is the best way to stay healthy.
Everyone needs to eat a healthy, balanced diet to grow, to go to school and to play, and for just felling good. So read on to find out how you'll know what the right weight is for you.

Genes Matter
Your genes have a lot to say about what your weight will be. But that's only part of the story. Being overweight can run in someone's family, but it may not be because of their genes. Eating a lot and making no exercise is a reason why family members are overweight.
When the kids eat right and exercise, most can be a healthy and happy weight that is right for them. It can change depending the way you want to look.
How much you weigh is a balance between the calories you eat and the calories you use. If you eat more calories than your body needs to use, you will be overweight. For example: If you spend your free time watching TV, your body won't use as many calories as it would if you played basketball, skated, or went for a walk.
If you are in balance, your weight will stay right for you as you grow. But if you eat more and
exercise less, you may become overweight. On the other hand, if you eat less and exercise more, you may lose too much weight.